About me

Dr.-Ing. Matthias von Daak


  • Degree in electrical engineering, PhD
  • >25 years corporate experience
  • Executive roles since 2007
  • More than 15 years of personnel responsibility in various global leadership roles, managing over 100 employees
  • Active participation in several restructuring projects
    Personnel recruitment, conducting numerous interviews
  • DBVC ertified coaching training based on the Metatheorie of Change (Hephaistos Coaching-Center)
  • DBVC Associate Coach

My own path to more autonomy and ease

I am humorous, relaxed and curious. Colleagues describe me as inspiring confidence and open to other points of view and perspectives. I like complex relationships, in-depth discussions and love to explore the limits of what is possible - and to go beyond them.

All of this has helped me to deal with the many challenges I have faced in my 25-year corporate career. I have held various executive positions, most recently managing 150 employees. In my various roles, I have shape major changes and celebrated successes, but I also had to master a number of crises and difficult situations.

For many years, I supported colleagues in the Group as a mentor on their career path. During this support, it became increasingly clear to me that professional success requires more than just professional experience. Rather, personal and social skills are required, which can hardly be learned, but only developed. These observations inspired me to give my interest in personal development a professional foundation. So in 2016, I began several years of coaching training.

During my coach training, I was repeatedly challenged to confront my own issues. This was not always pleasant. However, it made me realize that many of my difficulties were self-created, and that I have the power to change them. Experiencing this was and continues to be extraordinarily motivating and inspiring for me. Today, I joyfully assist individuals who want to experience the same, seeking to gain more freedom and ease in their lives.