Master extraordinary challenges with ease

How do you feel when you are exposed to extreme stress over a longer period of time? What challenges stress you out the most? Is it the heavy workload, difficult decisions or dilemmas, conflicts within the team or with colleagues?

Situations like these drain some people of energy, trigger helplessness, despair and frustration, while they motivate others or even allow them to grow. This makes it clear that how certain circumstances are experienced - and what impact they have on mental well-being - is primarily down to personal attitude.

If you succeed in questioning your own interpretations, new perspectives and new possibilities for action can emerge. You experience noticeable relief and an increase in freedom and lightness.

Working together

  • we shed light on automatisms and typical behavior patterns
  • we develop solutions to specific issues in your day-to-day management work
  • you will receive impulses from my 25 years of corporate experience on request



Depending on your concerns, we recommend individual coaching sessions or longer-term support as part of a mentoring program. I am also happy to act as a sparring partner for technical questions, provided I have the necessary expertise in the respective subject matter